23 February 2008

Happy 44th Birthday, James!

For his birthday, James decided to create fake profiles on LinkedIn. Of course, they were deleted after a few days. On a related note, James continues to bring up arguments with subscribers who demanded a refund several years ago! Talk about immature…

It’s sad that a 44-year-old male — a man who was once the cream of the crop in his line of work — has degenerated into a vengeful hermit.


Anonymous said...

He's a Reptilian, that's the problem he is of the Reptilian line and is after normal aryan people so he can eat them when they have been put into a gaze from his shapeshifting into reptilian form. All of your base are belong to us....

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, you rock! It's one thing to troll mercilessly, it's another to keep the fire going for *counts on fingers* TEN YEARS! How do you do it?

You, sir, are my hero. Three hours ago I did a search for "openwrt licensing" and look where I am now. Having read all the content I could find, I am both appalled and amazed at what a rotten cock James Ewing is - I can't believe Sveasoft is still in business.

Anonymous said...

James probably used to be a cool person when he was younger - what happened to him that made him turn out this way?

Anonymous said...

Hes a fucking freak for a member in your family, you are lucky you havn't met him