24 September 2008

James, do Sweden a favor. Leave.

I see you’re vandalizing Wikipedia again. How do you feel, wasting public kronor like that?

You didn’t even bother using a proxy. You just hopped online, showing your IP address (

And for all those who may be interested, an nmap scan:
Interesting ports on c80-216-218-118.bredband.comhem.se (
20/tcp filtered ftp-data
21/tcp filtered ftp
22/tcp filtered ssh
23/tcp filtered telnet
80/tcp filtered http
113/tcp filtered auth
443/tcp filtered https
444/tcp filtered snpp
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
446/tcp filtered ddm-rdb
8080/tcp open tcpwrapped

I see you went with a Netgear router!


Anonymous said...

What a twat!

Anonymous said...

I feel kind of bad for this man. Really, I do. It's very sad.

James, what are you doing? Seriously.